The 2016 Election: a job transition for some, a life-changing experience for me.

The 2016 Election: a job transition for some, a life-changing experience for me.

For many, the 2016 election cycle will be always remembered, but not for the best reasons. For me, the years 2015 and 2016 will always be a part of my vivid memories; some of these memories won’t go away easily. It’s been difficult to process the unexpected defeat in the presidential election of the most qualified person who has ever run for president, who happens to be a woman, former FLOTUS and Senator –Hillary Rodham Clinton.

My involvement in the campaign came through my employer at the time, the leading Hispanic Broadcast media organization in the U.S., Univision. After working with the Digital News team for a year and a half, I started working with the Elections Team in April 2015, at the moment that primary candidates started to come up. Without knowing it, I ended up covering the entire Election Cycle, involved with both Democrats and Republicans, going to almost all debates.  In the end, I was fortunate enough to be present at the official campaign launch events of candidates such as Jeb Bush in Miami, and Hillary Clinton in New York.

Hillary Clinton has always been a public figure that held my interest, at least since I can remember. In 2008, I thought that the U.S. was far more ready to break the highest glass ceiling before electing the first African-American as POTUS––I was wrong. Nonetheless, the nomination of Barack Obama and his presidency make me feel proud of the outcome of the 2008 cycle. From my small part as a volunteer for his re-election campaign, and as a Fellow for Organizing for Action in Washington, D.C. I completed what I consider my initiation in American politics.

Fast forward to 2016: I quit my job as part of the Elections Team at Univision, to become the Florida Hispanic Press Director for Hillary For America. A job transition for some; a life-changing experience for me. After being MIA from this blog for a while, in the upcoming days, I will share my journey during the 2016 Election Cycle. Stay tuned!